Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry

Trifluoroethanol: CF3CH2OH. A nonpolar (ε = 8.6) protic solvent, notable for its poor nucleophilicity due to the electron-withdrawing inductive effect of the trifluoromethyl group.

Lewis structure for trifluoroethanol.




Molecule A

Carbocation intermediate (reddish-orange)

Solvolysis product
The powerful electron-withdrawing inductive effect of the trifluoromethyl group makes trifluoroethanol a poor nucleophile. For example, dissolving molecule A (colorless) in trifluoroethanol (colorless) immediately gives a reddish-orange color due to a highly conjugated carbocation formed by ionization of the carbon-chlorine bond. This color persists for about a minute before fading away, indicating that the carbocation is capturing trifluoroethanol slowly.



Molecule A

Carbocation intermediate (reddish-orange)

Solvolysis product
When the solvolysis solvent is ethanol, no transient color is observed, indicating the carbocation captures ethanol very quickly.